<<Tiles containing research and News items>>

15 egg paper (HR)   – Arri to write summary

IVF outcome prediction paper (HR) – Rima to write a summary

IVF and ethnicity (RBMonline) – Rima to write a summary

Endometrial thickness and IVF outcome (RBMonline) – Ioannis to write a summary

Endometrial receptivity paper (HRU) – Laurentiu to write a summary

RESPONSE paper (HR) – Abey to write a summary

TABLET paper (NEJM) – arri to write a summary

PROMISE and PRISM papers (NEJM) – Arri to write a summary

TROPHY (lancet) – Arri to write a summary.

Timelapse papers – Simon to write a summary

Endo-scratch paper (NEJM) – Arri to write a summary